Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023 | Resumo: 1316-2 | ||||
Resumo:The Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (PEC) is one of the largest southwest Atlantic estuarine systems in Brazil possessing a rich microalgae diversity which remains to be fully explored. Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) are microalgae that increasingly draw attention due to their potential in producing a variety of bioactive compounds and value-added chemicals for industrial applications. Among other features, they are rich in lipids and pigments such as carotenoids that have been widely applied in food and food supplements, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic
ingredients. The main carbon storage compound in diatoms is lipids, among which
triglycerides (TAGs) and fatty acids. Collections of native microalgae species should have a competitive advantage under local geographical, climatic, and ecological conditions allowing them to develop greater robustness and higher lipid storage over allochthonous species. Although microalgae are a potential alternative energy source, production costs are not yet competitive. There are some obstacles to industrial microalgae biomass production, and among them, the selection of lipid-rich concomitant with fast-growing strains and other valueadded products such as proteins. Therefore, due to the increasing interest in microalgae biotechnological potential, this study isolated, identified, and quantified total lipids and proteins production from diatoms found in the PEC. For lipids production, isolates were selected after microalgae cells red Nile dye staining, and biomass total lipid extraction was conducted using the Bligh & Dyer gravimetric method. NaOH and β-mercaptoethanol methods were utilized for
proteins extraction. Although a diatoms rich diversity was obtained, only a few were viable after the cultivation period. For biomass total lipids production, the two best selected strains were identified as Nitzschia inconspicua and Navicula pseudoantonii. The N. inconspicua led to more than 26% lipids and 17.48% proteins content from dry biomass. Although N. pseudoantonii showed a visible amount of lipids in vesicles, only 11% lipids content was obtained from dry biomass. In conclusion, several diatoms’ species were herein identified in the PEC region, with high lipids and proteins content, therefore with high biotechnological potential for future industrial and commercial applications. Palavras-chave: bioprospection, microalgae, Navicula pseudoantonii, Nitzschia inconspicua Agência de fomento:CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development), Fundação Araucária - PRONEX |